Recent content by wellnessandhens

  1. wellnessandhens

    Welsummer HENS or ROOS? Fun guessing game 🐣😂🙏🏻

    I am soooo thrilled to have found Welsummer chicks local to me I took 6 home with me and they all look so similar! 🥹😍🐣 I have many photos, wondering what you think about gender?
  2. wellnessandhens

    Really STRANGE… Part of Roosters Wing at bottom of coop

    Ahhh this is also a possibility, we are in Canada and it was between -30 and -45 for just under a week right before Christmas. He lost parts of his wattles due to frostbite but it healed up perfectly and he acts and looks great! It has a bit of a yucky smell yes and it does have strange black...
  3. wellnessandhens

    Really STRANGE… Part of Roosters Wing at bottom of coop

    Yes I checked and no active bleeding at all! He must have caught it on something but sheesh he is such a trooper!
  4. wellnessandhens

    Really STRANGE… Part of Roosters Wing at bottom of coop

    Hi all!! So this is super bizarre, I went out this morning to let the modern dinos out of their coop and at the bottom of the roosting area I found a significant portion of my roosters right wing feathers. My whole flock is fine otherwise but I just think this is the weirdest thing! I’ve...
  5. wellnessandhens

    What kind of illness produces this poop? Diarrhea and green sploots, sometimes looks watery and white.

    Hello! My sweet hen Juniper has recently started having super watery poos and diarrhea like this (her whole butt is a mess) I've looked online but haven't been able to pinpoint what is going on here... She's eating and drinking, moving around, she stopped laying recently because temps are...
  6. wellnessandhens

    Rooster lethargic, drooling, shivering but empty crop

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Easter egger, seems to be a totally normal weight. 6 months. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Sleeping while standing, sleeping just all the time. He's usually aggressive so this is a huge...
  7. wellnessandhens

    Rooster lethargic, drooling, shivering but empty crop

    Hi all!! My poor EE roo David (6 months) is having serious trouble today. He is usually quite fierce and aggressive but today I let the flock out to free range and David was just lifeless. No crowing, sleeping while standing. He stirs when the flock tries to alert him or our other roo crows...
  8. wellnessandhens

    Barred Rock X is this a Roo?

    I’m like 97% sure it’s a roo at this point but it hasn’t screamed it’s war cry yet so I just get confused 😩 just want to confirm before trying to find him a new flock!
  9. wellnessandhens

    Baby chick with weird behaviour last evening, seems totally fine today

    I will post a photo once my phone is charged! I keep reptiles too so they are just typical dome heat emitting lamps. 2 of them to maintain the temp and because its a larger crate. The temperature is around 85F - our house is always warm so it stays pretty consistent. Chick starter feed Mix of...
  10. wellnessandhens

    Baby chick with weird behaviour last evening, seems totally fine today

    I don't think so, only because the chicks are in a medium sized wire dog crate with heat lamps on top so they have good ventilation and the right temperature. His breathing just seems a bit more laboured/heavy (even when not gasping - he hasn't gasped at all today) compared to the other chicks...
  11. wellnessandhens

    Baby chick with weird behaviour last evening, seems totally fine today

    Hello there!! We recently got a property and now have the opportunity to have our own chickens! We have chicks that are about 3 weeks old and our ameracauna was acting strange last night. They seemed to be having a very hard time breathing, gasping for air and unable to get comfortable. I...
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