Recent content by windyridgefarm

  1. windyridgefarm

    Cream Legbar hybrid - possible autosexing

    Thank you that is a simple and easy way to think about it. On some level I understood this, however I was more focused on the other factor involved. Your straightforward explanation just made it all click in a way I hadn't thought about before. Making me feel a little silly that I hadn't before lol
  2. windyridgefarm

    Marsbar Chick and autosexing

    This would be a sexlink cross not autosexing. males will have a white dot on their head
  3. windyridgefarm

    How do I breed an autosexing chicken?

    Hi I have blue black splash Ameraucanas, and Frost and Crested Cream Legbars that are autosexing. I crossed an Ameraucana Roo with a Legbar hen. I like the look of the crest and tufts together. My question is would I be able to breed autosexing chickens from this cross? and if so, what colors...
  4. windyridgefarm

    Blue silkie with leakage?

    I think I understand why, but would you please explain how keeping them together would lead to more leakage. I want to be sure I have it right. Also I like the idea of getting multiple colors from one pen. I see it as an advantage of BBLSp.
  5. windyridgefarm

    Blue silkie with leakage?

    Thank you for this post. I need to choose between two roosters to replace my Blue Ameraucana roo. The one that is better overall has clear leakage. I was wondering if it would be easier to breed that out or work on the other traits. I am now thinking it would be better not to go down that path...
  6. windyridgefarm

    Blue Ameraucana-MA

    No I havent. There was a place in CT I hoped would work out, but having a failure to communicate so gave up. There is a big poultry show at the Big E this weekend. Free parking and admission. I hope To find something there. Usually a few on exhibit see if I can find out where they got their...
  7. windyridgefarm

    The Hatching House?

    Thank you, I like having a colorful assortment. I think it makes for an interesting carton. I actually have quite a few other breeds. I am trying to narrow it down to ones I can offer hatching eggs and chicks for, with a preference for ones that may be sexed at or close to hatch. Barnevelder...
  8. windyridgefarm

    The Hatching House?

    $15 is about the going rate for Black Copper Marans. I believe theirs are BL B Sp like mine. I always try to look around locally and set my prices based on what others are asking I am in Granville MA near CT/MA border. I have Bl B Sp Marans, Cream Legbars, White Legbars, Wheaten...
  9. windyridgefarm

    The Hatching House?

    Dont get me started on the prices at lol
  10. windyridgefarm

    The Hatching House?

    In the case of of the hatching house I checked out their facebook page last night. It said they had had a very difficult year. Their son who was a big part of their operation went away to boot camp and they were trying to adjust. They promised they would do better in the future. They also said...
  11. windyridgefarm

    The Hatching House?

    I went to symansaysfarm when I was looking for some Marans chicks. It is a nice little farm and seems well run but I feel they are on the pricey side selling their chicks for $32 straight run. That said I try to always give people the benefit of the doubt. Having dealt with people when selling...
  12. windyridgefarm

    The Hatching House?

    Thank you for posting. I had contacted them several times on their website looking for blue Ameraucana hatching eggs, chicks, or preferably a young cockerel after I lost my Roo. The replies were sporadic and nothing ever came of it. I was going to try again. Now I am glad but still looking. If...
  13. windyridgefarm

    Blue Ameraucana-MA

    Wish I had seen this. I lost my blue roo last summer and have been looking for a replacement. I know how hard it can be to cull a quality roo. Please pm me with the name of the local breeder.
  14. windyridgefarm

    What do you think of the New York Times Article "Backyard Chickens Carry a Hidden Risk: Salmonella"

    Yes, that is the article. Unfortunately the good advice was buried in sensationalism and seemed overly alarmist. One of the messages was that eggs from small backyard flocks are more dangerous than the big hatcheries. I have always felt the opposite was true.
  15. windyridgefarm

    What do you think of the New York Times Article "Backyard Chickens Carry a Hidden Risk: Salmonella"

    I thought the article was a bit alarmist making backyard flocks seem like a time bomb of disease. When all it takes is a bit of common sense and good habits after all people have been raising chickens for a very long time.
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