Blue silkie with leakage?

Thats what it comes down to. About 1/2 the chicks could work out and about 1/2 won't.
If you have no other options then 1/2 don't sound so bad. But you know off the bat that 1/2 aren't going to work and out of the other 1/2 you're going to have to watch for leakage and have chances some might sneak through and continue passing it forward for a looong time. Kinda makes for headaches.
If at all possible to find a better rooster then it would be worth it. Less headaches and more percentage of workable offspring.
I’ll just keep him and hopefully get some good offspring. He’s a family member, a complete sweet boy. Thank you for all the advice!
Agree with this.

Yes it is. A very common one that is better to not breed at all rather than try to breed out.

It would inhibit any of them doing well.

Thank you for this post. I need to choose between two roosters to replace my Blue Ameraucana roo. The one that is better overall has clear leakage. I was wondering if it would be easier to breed that out or work on the other traits. I am now thinking it would be better not to go down that path as the other traits are more straight forward and not that far off. He is just so darn nice I hate to cull him darn leakage.
I think that you are going to get that in many that you get, as it seem's that many of the people who are breeding those are keeping all of the colors in the same pen.

I think I understand why, but would you please explain how keeping them together would lead to more leakage. I want to be sure I have it right. Also I like the idea of getting multiple colors from one pen. I see it as an advantage of BBLSp.
Thank you for this post. I need to choose between two roosters to replace my Blue Ameraucana roo. The one that is better overall has clear leakage. I was wondering if it would be easier to breed that out or work on the other traits.

You are far better off trying to breed out leakage than to breed a cockerel with poor type into your line. In breeding, colour should always come last.

I think I understand why, but would you please explain how keeping them together would lead to more leakage. I want to be sure I have it right. Also I like the idea of getting multiple colors from one pen. I see it as an advantage of BBLSp.

BBS, dun and even paint can be bred all in together, so long as they are all extended black based, but once you mix the e-series by adding say a partridge or white (which are known for hiding wildtype), that's when we start to see leakage.

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