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  • Hi, I just wanted to remind you that I am still in search of a Charcoal hen. We talked about this earlier in the year and you said you thought you would have some later this year, so I just wondered if you still think so, and when it would be possible to ship. I am still looking here locally, but so far no luck. Please let me know, when you can. I'm not in a big hurry.
    We produced quite a few chicks but still haven't been able to reliably sex them. Sid from Texas Peafowl is planning to stop in here later this month and will help me judge them.
    I would appreciate your advice; my 1 year old females laid two eggs. I found them this morning when I went in to feed. The males are only a year old also. I thought the girls would not lay eggs until they were two or three. Could you give me some advice? I was surprised.
    Had your yearling hens been with a mature male they could have possibly been fertile but the chances of a yearling cock being capable of producing a fertile egg are very slim. I had a yearling Violet BS hen lay four eggs and two were fertile and hatched but they were under two-year-old cocks in a grow out pen.
    You may not remember but I purchased a couple of Cameo pea chicks from you back in July and they were doing great until this past Friday. One of them ( the male) flew up and broke his neck on the top of the pen. Do you have any young Cameo peacocks available?

    Can you tell me what kind of peafowl these are? We bought them without seeing the parents and are new to peafowl. We are ready to separate them into a larger pen and sell extra males, but I am not sure what kind and gender we have. Thanks for the help. You were recommended as someone who knew color well.

    I don't see how to attach pictures on your thread. There are pictures on the main thread... Boy or Girl?
    I seem to have lost our conversations with the change over? Last I had asked what combinations it took to get a bird like Elvis? and about shipping a bird although my girlfriend has recently poo pooed the idea but that dont mean she has final say about anything in fact Im not sure why I even ask her some things.
    I am still trying to find things here too, I just now found this message. Elvis is an IBBS, India Blue Black Shoulder cock. I do have one or two of his offspring for sale and I would sell you one for $100 plus box and postage. The box is $30 and whatever is actual postage, probably under $100
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