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  • Hello sis!!! I've been doing great! How about yourself? Congrats on the 5 years:D And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your avatar! <3
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    Reactions: RodNTN
    That's wonderful! I have to admit I couldn't be better! Thank you! And thanks again :D How's your flock?
    Hi Isabella! Yes so far we have gotten two snows! They didn't last long though. What about you?
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    Reactions: RodNTN
    And how are your chickens?
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    Reactions: RodNTN
    Oh, don't worry about it! It snowed a bit a few days ago, but other than that nothing :D It has been very cold, though.
    I'm sorry about your roosters :( It's great you get to keep the new ones!
    Wow, I didn't know you had that many! We have 33 chickens, 2 dogs, and 5 cats.
    My chickens are doing great! My Black Australorp "Bibby" has been struggling with wry neck the past couple of days. I've been treating her with different vits and that has helped a lot!
    Haha, me too! Have you gotten snow with those temps? Yes, ours are molting too, you’d think with 40 birds you’d still get enough eggs, but we’re only getting 4 at the most right now.
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    No, unfortunately not. But soon I hope! I'm in your shoes right now, 30 hens and 2 eggs a day! :D
    Yep they are going down too! The weather is amazing! We had our first rainfall since summer a week ago. Our temps aren’t going down that low, but wish they were. :)
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    I hope they go down soon! Some of my hens are molting, so they aren't as happy about the cold temps as I am!
    About 40... way to many, but it seems harder to part with the older ones this time, and we had to get new layers to keep the egg production up. How about you?
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    Reactions: RodNTN
    I completely understand :) We had 50 chickens at the beginning of this year, we're now down to 33.
    Btw, the temps are finally dropping down here!! How about where you're at?
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