Iain Utah
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  • Hi there hey I was wondering if you live in Utah because your user name has Utah in it lol so I just assumed you live in Utah but maybe you don't
    How many geese do you have?
    Great! I just ordered a pair of toulouse! Do you breed them? Toulouse + African?
    Iain Utah
    Iain Utah
    Congrats. I used to sell hatching eggs when my flock was younger, but most are beyond breeding age now. Currently, I only hatch a few babies each year to maintain size of my own personal flock.
    I am starting a goose chat. Would you like to join?
    Well ...... damn ....... I had expected my pair to live 15 yrs ....... I'll be keeping a 4 of next year's hatch. I lived in SLC, Utah for 20 yrs ..... attended BYU for nearly 10 (all 3 campuses).
    Iain Utah
    Iain Utah
    You might get lucky and your dewlaps will make it into their teens. It's just not been my experience. Enjoy them while you can. They are precious geese!
    Iain, Hi my name is Brook. I seen that you have a blind goose. I was wanting to know if I could ask you a few questions about your goose? I have a gosling that is blind. She has a very sad story and I would like to give her every opportunity to have a fantastic life here on the farm.
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