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  • Hello! I saw your post on my thread! It is so cool we both want to be vets! Have you ever seen Dr. Okaly? I want to be a replica of her! She is awesome! There aren't a lot of people on here that want to be vets, it is such a great dream!
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    Reactions: EmmaRainboe
    Thank you! Dr. Oakly is a TV show, and a vet. I have never seen her in person since she is in Alaska, but I LOVE the TV show! I want to be exactly like her, a home clinic, a town vet clinic, work on all animals and wild animals if possible. I want to have a large farm, every animal, I have can see it all! Lol!
    Oh my gosh! She sounds perfect! I'm going to need to check out her show.
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    Reactions: Weeg
    It is really good! Tell em what you think of it!
    I saw your sig, I am fairly close to you! 3 hours! I wish I could help with the rooster! I have 2 roosters now though that I need to figure out how to keep together already! Try posting on your state thread. Good luck finding them homes!
    Thank you! Me too! Why can't you keep them? Is it an ordinance? I you have an extra amount of roosters you can make a batchlor flock! I know a friend with one who has great success!
    We don't have space, and we don't have enough space for another coop for a batchlor flock. 😔 Wish we did! I would have loved to not have to give away all my pure breed Ameraucana's they were so sweet, and so pretty.
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    Reactions: Weeg
    I mean, this isn't an option for a lot of people including me, but, I mean, they could be house chickens! 😁 Just thought I would throw it out there!
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