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  • Do you want to RP the cat with powers in SkyClan or ShadowClan? We kind of thought that since Darkstar is attacking the WHOLE forest, all the clans should be represented. I'm now RPing a WindClan cat named Icepaw, who can make cat's fears come to life, and I think the plan is that BackroadGirl57 will make Sunpaw have powers too...
    Since we can’t add you to the thing yet
    So I’m pretty sure you were trying to ask if you could be one of the cats with powers?
    So right now we have three cats, and unfortunately they are all taken. However we do need mentors and cats to know about the powers in Riverclan, if you wanted to be part of it.
    I hope this answers your question and sorry there aren’t any more kits….
    How does one mentor a cat with powers without powers? 🙃, or could an adult one be added later on?
    Nooo like not mentor them on their powers on like fighting and hunting and such. In this story no cat has ever had powers before so they just learn as they go, lol. Maybe a cat from far away or something can come and like, teach them. Like an all knowing cat, like Rock for Jayfeather. That would be cool!
    Yeah, if another cat ever comes about let me know, I call dibs lol
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