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  • Write something to casportpony...Hi Kathy,

    You gave me some great advice in the past on issues I was having with my chickens. Since we live fairly close (Los Gatos) I wanted to reach out. I am in the process of opening a chicken and beekeeping supply/gift store. It would be of great help if I could possibly use you as a consultant on the chicken end. I want to offer items that people can purchase to maintain a healthy flock, get education and buy medicines and wound care supplies. In return I could give you some monetary credit to use at our store when it opens. Please give this some thought, your knowledge and experience would be very helpful. If you decide you don't want to, there is no pressure. You have a lot of information posted and I will just use what I can from here. Thanks, Melody
    Hi Kathy, thanks for the badge congrats. What a surprise to wake up to this morning. Hope all is going well for you. Have I told you I love your avatar?
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