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  • Wynette! You still around? I've tried to contact you, but you've changed phone numbers and your email doesn't work. :( If you see this can you email me or contact me please? Hope all is well. Geo.
    Do you still have Jersey Giant chickens? I want more and would prefer to start with chicks but I will try hatching eggs as well.

    Please let me know what you have available.

    Thank you
    Ashley Gagnon
    Good morning! I have been given your name in my search of blue or black copper marans. I was told that you breed. Thank you
    Hello. I made a post called Chicken Questions, and I was wondering if you would delete it? I'm not satisfied with it; it's too long and descriptive, that even as I'm reading over it, it bores me. :p So I plan on making shorter threads, hopefully, that can fall into one category (it was my first thread, and a mistake at that, lol).
    Thank you!
    ~Better Than Rubies
    Hey Wynette,

    I'm writing a story about backyard chicken flocks in the U.S. Could you give me some help with it? I just have some general questions about backyard flocks in the northeast region of the country as my publication is in PA. Thanks!
    Hey there. I just wanted to tell you that your sig link to your website comes up with your domain for sale. I was looking to maybe purchase eggs or chicks when I discovered this. It's the second time that this has happened on this board, so maybe it's BYC software glitch?
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