

The Australorp Breed was developed in Australia at the end of the nineteenth century with Black...
Pros: Beautiful feathers, keep laying through cold weather, friendly
Cons: Roosters tend to be aggressive
This is a great breed. They lay big brown eggs all year round, and are friendly curious chicks. The only problem we ever had was a aggressive rooster.
Pros: Friendly, lots of eggs, beautiful shiny black green
Cons: They are the bullies in my flock
So far I really like them. I din't know if I got the real thing at first because the feathers had so much white on them. After conformations from byc members, I am feeling better about getting what I paid for.

Its the eggs I am really excited for. I have a few months yet before I get those though.
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Pros: Lively, Hearty, Funny and Not Quiet!! :)
Cons: A little to aggressive with other chickens.
I have 4 Black Australorps 1 hen and 3 roosters. I purchased them from TSS in March this year. From the start we loved they way that they acted. They are very cute as chicks and very active. I had to let 2 of them be free range and they are doing very well outside. They sit by the coop were the others are and watch for people and run to greet people. They are very social and love to run around and follow each other. My roosters have been learning how to crow and at first they sounded very funny. Not organized at all. Now they are getting the crowing down pat. I love watching and listening to them because they are funny, and they make us laugh with all their antics. I would recommend these to anyone that is just starting out with chickens because they are fun and hearty. Our chickens are pets and egg layers....They are not laying yet so I can not review the eggs yet.

The only complaint that I have is that 2 of the roosters that I have had to be let out because they are a little aggressive with the other chickens that we have. I have to pull a rooster from the coop because they pecked him really bad. I would recommend that you do not get a straight run like I did. (not knowing what that was.)

All in all I am glad that we got these chickens and they are the high light of my day. I love to listen to them and watch them.
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Pros: Lays regularly, beautiful bird, was one of the first to lay
Cons: Aggressive to other chickens
I'm going to begin by saying I've only ever kept 2 Australorps so this review may or may not be a little inaccurate looking at the larger picture. But anyway.
My first australorp was a boy who we unfortunately only kept for 10 weeks before we had to give him away, but in that time he grew HUGE, but was the friendliest chick you ever saw! He was docile and sweet and protected his roommate Dandelion from the "mean" silkies as well

But my second was a girl called Bobo who we still have to this day. Bobo started laying pretty early from what I can remember, and is very people-friendly, but she also developed a mean streak towards other birds, in particular our Ameraucanas, though I can't see why. By 'mean streak' I really mean preventing certain birds from eating or drinking or laying eggs unless I turf her out for a couple of hours so they can do as they wish.
I'm not a fan of getting rid of my 'babies' so she's still here, but the Ameraucanas/silkies get a separate feeder and place to lay eggs. I'd just say as a caution be careful, not all Australorps are friendly and shy lol! I obviously had a laugh reading those characteristics (seeing as they are pretty much exactly what Bobo is NOT!)
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Pros: docile, pretty, sweet and shy!!!
Mine (Daisy) is 7 weeks, 3 days old and she is great so far! Very hardy, sweet to my other chick I have with her, and CALM! It is such a plus to have a calm one because my other (Maisy) is super speedy and nervous.....I love my Daisy girl!
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Pros: beautiful,cold hardy, brown eggs
Cons: don't think I'd get any in the city
I fell in love with them . But, our limit here is 4 chickens and I've heard they don't like small flocks.
Pros: Great temperment, Beautiful, Sweet, Dual purpose
I have 9 chickens and all of them different breeds except for the Black Australorps. I got a pullet and fell in love with her right off the bat and, despite swearing that I wouldn't get a rooster, I had to add another one of these to my flock! The rooster is so sweet, he perched on my arm for a while before making his way to my shoulder and falling asleep for almost an hour! The coloring and feathering of them both is absolutely beautiful with sheens of green, blue and even purple. These birds really sparkle in the sun light! They are easily my favorite breed and make a GREAT addition to a flock!
Pros: They are pretty
Cons: skiddish
My chicks are pretty but a little skiddish!
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Pros: Nice black feathers, friendly, hardy, huge eggs
Cons: Kind of skittish as a chick, bullies the others
I have one. She (Hopefully a she) is such a nice shade of black and is calming down nicely. I love her!!
Edited: She has reached laying age! Her eggs are HUGE with calcium deposited all over. Usually double yolks! However, this fall she nearly killed one of my EE's by pecking her. She is violent and bossy, but friendly to humans. I don't know if I would get more.
Pros: Friendly, sociable, smart
Cons: Peckish at times, maybe too smart?
I love my Black Australorp, female, named Lady GaGa (thanks to my son for the names). She has become a delight in our small flock of 6, and I think is the head hen. She is very kind, friendly, talkative, sociable and wants very much to be near me and cuddled. She gets long very nicely with the other ladies and usually is the first to come running when I call my girls. Highly recommended and I know I will be getting more Australorps.
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Pros: A good layer, beautiful sheen on their feathers
Australorps are absolutely awesome chickens to have and own as pets and as egg layers. In my experience, Australorps like special treats. For example; apple peels, grapes, bread, and most of all wild bird seed. When I go to give my girls some of the treats that are listed above, they go absolutely nuts! Also be aware that the chickens might start to follow you more often.:D
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Pros: Elegant, good layers, sweet dispositions
Cons: zero
I hatched some from eggs boght at a local auctio, and got some others from My Pet Chicken. All are wonderful birds, good layers, calm once they became grown, but not overly friendly either. My cockeral was the least aggressive of any breed I have had, including Orpingtons.
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Pros: Docile, Great layers, Sociable and friendly with other birds, good foragers, beautiful
Cons: Nothing that I can think of
My first(laying) hens were Australorps. They are beautiful and very friendly. They are great layers and pets. My Australorp had hatched one nest of chicks. Mine got along well with the rest of my flock.
Pros: Docile, good foragers, good with other birds
Cons: None...yet
For our flock we wanted docile dual purpose birds. Our daughter is timid around animals and we are new to the chicken business in our own home. My husband and I both had grandfathers with more agressive birds and we didnt' want that. The 'lorps are such a good bird. Very sweet and easy to get along with. There feathers are so beautiful out in the sun. Our roosters are quiet and non agressive too. We have one hen and she is a true Lady, prancing around in her elegant, pristine feathers. Ours are 3 months old now and such a welcome addition to our flock. I will always have some in my flock, we love our black beauties!
Pros: Great Layer, Great forager, Fun and Friendly, Decent size
Cons: Maybe TOO good a forager
I find the Australorp is a great breed. They lay good sized eggs almost every day, are relatively tolerant of other birds and interact well with people yet still have the survival instinct to run away from potential predators.

Occasionally will go broody but make good mothers. Definitely one to consider if you are rearing chicks without any artificial interference.

They are also a decent size bird for anyone looking for a utility bird that lays well and meaty carcass. Haven't taken this path yet with mine but I'm sure that if I do, the results would be promising.

Excellent foragers when out of the coop, mine even managed to find and unearth a rats nest and eat the pinkies

That being said, you want to keep them out of the garden, mum doesn't like it when her pretty plants get reduced to tattered stalks and neither do the neighbours.

All in all, an awesome breed that is both a great practical bird to keep for eggs, meat or a bit of both. They are great in a mixed flock and if treated nicely, can be a rewarding and fun pet.
Pros: Gentle, beautiful, great egg layer, nice pet
Cons: none.
As a first time chicken owner, we are so lucky to have 2 of these beautiful girls. Lays eggs everyday, cleans the yard of bugs and a great personality. A great all in one chicken and nice pet.
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Pros: Sweet, smart, talkative, loving, social, GREAT producers, and wonderful broodies.
Cons: Get dirty easily so they need baths, brood a lot. That's all I can think of!
I love my Aussies! Great starter birds! Recommend them to anyone who wants chickens.
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wonderful layers and friendly birds
Pros: good moms, excellent quality/quantity of eggs, gentle hens
Cons: Roo is a demon
Just hatched out(with surrogate broody) ba chix and that is the ONLY reason allowing the roo to remain for awhile. He looks for every opportunity to spur me(especially when feeding/passing close) but the hens are dolls.Only breed for MY use and won't pass on stupid roos tempermant(assume you can breed it in like with dogs?) but like I said the hens have been gentle, productive and beautiful fowl to watch.
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Pros: Friendly, beutiful color
Cons: Did not integrate well into our flock
We heard wonderful things about this breed, but unfortuntely they did not integrate well into our flock.

This was our 2nd batch of chickens and we probably didn't know what we were doing. So once the chicks were old enough we added them to our already established flock. We attempted to train them to go into the chicken coop at night and they refused.. or were picked on so much they didn't want to go in. The other chickens did pick on them relentlessly. We finally had to find a better place for them.

We will be integrating another 9 chicks (RIRs) into our flock of 9, but have a plan. We created a caged in area within our coop for the new chicks to live for a few weeks until the established flock gets use to them. I hope this works much better than the 1st time.
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