

The Australorp Breed was developed in Australia at the end of the nineteenth century with Black...
Pros: Beautiful, quiet, gets along with the other chicks
Cons: A bit stand-offish

I have only had my Australorp for seven weeks and while she was in the brooder she seemed unfriendly and not really interested in the attention of my husband or myself, but since she has been the coop she is coming around. She is becoming very friendly and likes to watch what I am doing when I am working around the coop. She comes for her treat and really seems to listen when I talk to her. She never seems to cause any problems with the other girls and really likes to pal around with one or two of the others.

All in all I am very happy with Matilda and would certainly add more Australorps to my flock.

I wanted to add an update on Matilda.
She really is becoming a beautiful girl. The pictures do not show the beautiful irridescent green in her feathers, but she is stunning in the sunlight. She lays nearly everyday and gets along so well with the other girls. She loves free ranging and hanging out with her best friend HenRetta the White Rock.
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Pros: Great layers
One of my favorite breeds, great for 1st time chicken owners. They are hearty birds, good in a flock, great layers, develops fast, nice birds that love to follow you around and are sweet and tame. They are really pretty in a subdued way.
Pros: Great with Kids
Cons: Had a Broody Australorp
We have three australorps. One of them went broody on us and we had to rehabilitate her, but after a week of working at it, she is now a proud, normal chicken. Other than that we have had no problems with them. They are curious, smart, fun and great with our kiddos picking them up and loving on them. They tend to stick together by breed which is something our other mixed chickens don't do, so we found that interesting and overall- these are our favorites of the bunch. Would def. buy more next Spring.
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Pros: Calm, sweet, great layer of large light brown eggs. Went broody and hatched fertile eggs for me.
Love My Aussie named "Maude", she's a great hen!
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Pros: Brave, good all-around
Cons: can be agressive at times
Out of the three breeds of chickens I got (1 black australorp, 2 ameracaunas, 1 buff orpington)
I was not expecting to recieve a (fairly) aggressive, not veyr social black australorp. if anything, I was expecting her to be the MOST docile. If I am filling th efeeder/waterer, and my hand looks like it is posing a threat to her, she will go after it and bite me, causing me numerous blood blisters. I started tapping her on the head when she did it, and that has helped sigificantly but she trusts me a bit less, but it's better than having a chicken that poses a threat to everybody around her. She is also my dominant chicken. My friendliest chicken is probably my ameracauna, then my B orpingont, both are very docile and have a lot of personality.
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Pros: Egg laying machine. Seldom Broody. Great temperament. Wonderful forager. Takes the southern heat and humidity well. Beautiful bird to see.
Cons: Haven't found one yet.
If I had to choose just one bird,.. it would be hard to choose between our Australorps and Barnevelders,.. but for egg laying,.. the Aussies have it. Great all around bird.
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Pros: Friendly, early maturing, prolific layers
Cons: slightly smaller than the orpingtons as a dual breed for meat use; can tend to be broody
A wonderful breed for eggs and for a family farm.
The dual purpose use is also excellent, tho they are a bit smaller than the orpingtons.
The hens lay loads of fantastic eggs, and have a natural tendency toward broodiness, and being excellent mothers, so creating your own flock is easy.
They are friendly, curious, hearty and convert feed into eggs in about 19-20 weeks from hatch.
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Pros: Smart, friendly, quiet, fun, large egg layer, cold hardy
Cons: N/A
My favorite breed in the flock! They are great around kids and a lot of people, harmless, and act like little lap dogs. I absolutely adore my Australorp hens.
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Pros: Very good looking; will be held if you can catch him, good at protecting the hens, amazing watch rooster
Cons: Attacks everything in sight, Overmates hens but only because we don't have a lot, have bruises and scratches all over my arms because of him
Mader was an amazing chick through cockerel stages. Once matured though, he started to attack everyone and everything, from my mom to soccer balls. Very good at protecting the hens and knows how to peck and has perfected the whole attack with spurs and peck at the same time manuever. I know this from personal experience :/ I do however love him and he has a certain amount of charm about him <3
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Pros: Calm, friendly
Cons: none I can find
We have three pullets and I have to say they are probably the most calmest of the breeds we have. They are all very friendly and non-aggressive to other chickens. They enjoy being held too!
Pros: Nice and big
Cons: skidish when young
I have 3 australorps (big black, berry and trouble-maker) I bought them all because of their reportedly nice and calm nature to be my main egg layers and to be pets for my daughter. Big black is the closest to laying and she is a sweetheart, loves to follow my daughter around looking for food and squats so we can all pick her up. She is big, much heavier than my broilers, makes me think I should buy only Australorps in the future. Only bad thing is the other 2 who are still young are not calm at all yet. Berry and Trouble-maker are not friendly yet. hope that changes, and I can't wait to see the eggs these girls will lay.
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Pros: All around very nice
Cons: none
No complaints here! Very nice, beautiful feathering. All black with a couple white tips, green and purple sheen in the sun. Good temperament, gets along very well with my older Barred Rocks - they pick on everyone else.
Pros: very friendly male
Cons: none yet
I just picked up astralorp rooster today, and I just love him!! Very friendly boy 4 months old, and was hand raised. I can't wait to see him grow up.
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Pros: lots of eggs
Cons: none yet
I love them a lot
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Pros: Great layer, broody, sweet, pretty
My favorite breed so far - they are just so pretty and sweet!
Pros: Exellent layer, calm, beautiful
Cons: Is easily picked on by other hens
I have one Australorp and she is a beautiful egg laying machine! She is the mellowest of my large fowl girls and gives me five to six eggs a week.
Pros: curious, alert, lively
I was lucky enough to get a black Australorp in my mixed batch of chicks (Meat and Egg Combo) from McMurray. I adore our chick. She is bright and friendly, and has such a personality! I definitely recommend this breed. :)
Pros: super smart, curious (sometimes a bad thing :P), friendly
Cons: only come in black (it's still a beautiful colour 'cause they glow !)
I have an australorp and shes on top of the pecking order. She never pecks the little four week olds to death and is very pretty. She was the first one to learn how to use the ramp. And is always curious. Her and her "sister" (a barred rock) never leave each other.
Pros: Docile, Smart, Beautiful, Friendly to other breeds
Cons: None yet :-)
I purchased Rico from a feed store here in town because she looked like a penguin :) She isn't yet old enough to lay, still have a month or so, but she is the first one to come outside when the coop door is opened and is very curious about everything I bring in to the coop.

Her feathers are a shiny black with a green tint to them and she still has some white feathers under her wings.
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Pros: They mix well with all the other breeds of chickens we have.
Cons: Nothing Yet
Overall they are great birds.
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