Reviews by alpinesurfer


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Pros: Beautiful and big.
Cons: Skiddish, broody, loud
I had a lot higher hopes for my blue laced red... She was late to deliver eggs, has already gone broody twice in two months since starting to lay. She is obnoxiously loud all day, hates to be held, and is very skittish and can be very mean sometimes.
The only Pro is that she is nice and big and has very beautiful feathers. However, the beauty does not even come close to making up for attitude and the hassles with this one.

I have a Buff O and Golden Sex Link and they love to be held, will come up to you all day long, and are great layers.
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Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, great layer, great personality
Cons: none
I have 3 chickens total so I only have comparisons between the 3. My Buff "Cashew" is very sweet, loves to be held, will eat out of your hand, and lays almost every day. She is not the mother hen, but is a very close 2nd. Egg size could be bigger, but she is consistent with one almost every day. She is also the softest compared to the other two. If I had all Buffs in my flock I wouldn't be unhappy.
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Reactions: BlueHorse17
Pros: easily movable, well made, easy assemble
Attaches nicely to my coop for a little extra run room. I only have 3 hens so this seems to be sufficient in addition to their space in the coop. Makes for easy moving around the yard for new areas to scratch.
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Pros: friendly, loves being handled.
I have a Buff Orphington, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, and a sex-link (Spicy). In the beginning she was more on the wild and aggressive side (hence Spicy), but is now the best hen in the bunch. The other two are skiddish and don't like to be held (contrary to reviews), but she knows the routine and pretty much runs the show.

Updated 10/16 - Still my favorite hen in the bunch. She is a solid layer of decent sized brown eggs. Always friendly and will come up to me for treats or to be held. She's curious and has her nose in everything. Such a great personality.
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