Reviews by americanamama

Pros: Likes to have interaction, sits on laps, quite talker, doesnt turn up flower beds
Cons: They need a aviary as they are great flyers. No free ranging, or they will disappear.
I had a Porcelain Duccle pair a few years ago. We started letting them out to free range. One day we left to go into town and the Duccles were missing. I now raise Mille Fleurs in a 20 by 50 foot wire mesh topped run with a small tree, grape vines and a huge shade tarp for relief during the summer. I love this breed in all colors. These cute little birds are very sweet pets. If you sit with them you'll be surrounded by soft little purring birds wanting your attention. There eggs ship really well to sell as hatching eggs. I wish I could let them run free! It would be so cute to see 30 of these birds running around the farm. Give them lot's of things to jump on out in there run. Add greens to there diet.


Super Admin
Pros: Great layers, cold and heat tollerant (100+ to -15 here), easy going birds. Also lays eggs in the winter.
Cons: Dont have any Cons
I purchased these birds as chicks and love the breed. They are a very calm breed. I can count on them for a few eggs in the winter when my Easter eggers slow down. I love there dark soulful eyes. The breed has done well in my area even when the temps go up past 100 in the summer and minus in the winter. It depends if you keep water cool, fans going, electrolites in water in the summer, and If you protect your house from North winds in the winter youll keep any breed healthy through the temp changes. I have never owned a Rooster of this breed.
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Super Admin
Pros: The birds are all very sweet. Have never had any problems with the roo's.
Cons: No con's as of yet.
I just bought a pair of French Black Copper Marans this spring to see if they were as wonderful as my Cuckoo Marans. I havent owned the French Black long enough to see if they will come up to me like my Cuckoo Marans. The hen and rooster are very sweet of the Copper variety so far. The hen lays a egg right on time and isnt slow to lay like some have mentioned. I ordered a new batch of French Copper Marans for this summer to sell fertile eggs next year. My Cuckoo's will walk up to me and let me pet them, they lay really well in the winter. I had two Roos of the Cuckoo's and they were sweet birds also.
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Pros: Hardy, large, handsome bird
Cons: some might not want large Roos?
I sadly still have 11 roosters. I will keep my PRock fondly called Rocky. He along with all his friends are all great roosters to have around. Never been spured by any of them. Rocky is very loyal to me and trusting. If he is upset he will come to me and tell me his problem. LOL. He was hatched under a Silky hen. :)
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