Reviews by AmesAcres


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, docile, hearty, personable
Cons: None
We have 10 birds total, three of which are Buff Orpingtons. They are by far my favorite birds of our flock. They are very energetic, love to be around us, and very curious. I start and end the day by feeding all my birds a few mealworms in their coop and every day, one of my Buff girls roosts on my arm simply to be with me and not particularly interested in the mealworms..more interested in being pet. They also enjoy our 9 year old's company. They are still young so I cannot speak as to laying abilities, but we are enjoying their company and personality at this point!
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I love my buff orp. She's such a sweet girl! She went broody a few weeks ago with nothing under her. I felt bad and stuffed an egg under her. Then I bought chicks to fool her with. Before I could get the chicks in with her, the egg hatched! I had no idea it was fertile! Guess it was meant to be. Oh, and she LOVES the sapphire gem chicks too, she just lifted her wing and they ran right under it when I took them out to her! Extended family!! lol!
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