Reviews by azurbanclucker

Barred Rock

Pros: Hardy, very productive, friendly, easy to care for, adaptable, protective of your flock, good meat production
Cons: Can be a bit noisy when preparing to set, but it's not too bad
We started our chicken adventure with 4 barred rocks about 6 weeks old, some supplies, a store-bought coop, and not a clue on how to raise them. They're very easy to care for and very tolerant of people, pets, and other birds in the flock. We lost 2 to predators, but the other 2 are the matriarchs of our mixed flock and keep the peace. They come when called, like to be held, help keep our insect population down, and give delicious rich brown eggs. We'll always have a couple of these in our flock going forward.
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