Reviews by bairo

Pros: easy to apply, controls both worms and mites/lice
Cons: cost, off label for chickens
Effective against all round worms, whip, hook, thread, pin, heart worm, all types of mites (including mange and scabies), and lice. Ivermectin pour on is available in a small container for about 15.00 at TSC. It will last quite a while (it MUST be the pour on type)
Off label for chickens. consensus is a 10 day egg withdrawal.
Drops are from a medicine dropper available from any drug store.
Drops are traditionally placed down the back or at shoulder blades directly to the skin, you must part feathers.
We need a dosage of .046 ml per pound of weight
So the following is true: (Rounded Up)
10 lb = 6 drops ivermectin if using a standard medicine dropper
9lb bird x .046 = 5-6 drops
8lb bird = 5 drops
7 lb bird = 4 drops
6 lb = 4 drops
5 lb = 3 drops
4 lb = 3 drops
3 lb = 2 drops
2 lb = 1-2 drops
under 2 lbs = not advisable in my opinion
Ivermectin is tested well in excess of the effective dose level and in my opinion is safe to round up. Repeat in 10-15 days with Valbazen if using for worms. You can repeat once in 10 days with "this" product if using for mites and lice, but I would advise an external spray before I considered a third dose of this product.
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Valbazen -500ml

Pros: Broad Spectrum, Very effective
Cons: Off label for chickens, cost
Valbazen is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic (11.36% Albendazole) is effective in the removal of liver flukes, tapeworms, stomach worms, round worms, & other intestinal and lungworms.
Off label for chickens. Consensus seems to be a 10 day egg withdrawal.
  • .077 cc straight valbazen per pound of bird weight (that is 3/4 of 1/10 of 1 cc straight per pound)
  • .17 cc straight valbazen per kilogram of bird weight

  • pound example.....8 lb bird x .077 equals 0.6 cc of straight Valbazen or just over 1/2 cc. A 10 lb bird would be almost exactly 3/4 of a cc (.077 x 10 = .77 cc)
  • Kilogram example.... 3 kg. bird x .17 equals 0.51 cc (1/2 cc) of straight valbazen.

You can most assuredly give valbazen straight without dillution (a small syringe like 3 cc may help) but it has been discussed in the past about "gut coverage or saturation" with such a small amount of liquid. Valbazen works more thru the gut, versus the blood stream like Ivermec does for example. I have followed the greater saturation belief. I therefore get my dosage of pure valbazen and then draw up enough water to equal at least 1 cc. I Repeat with Ivermectin pour-on in 15 days. IMPO do not use more than 2 times per year. I have found Valbazen to be perhaps the most effective broad spectrum wormer on the market today. Some say it has a single dose 100% kill rate, although I advocate repeating with Ivermectin pour on in 15 days.
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I have LOTS of chickens. I also have babies with their mommas. Is there an easy dose to give the babies so I don't have to weight each one?
Pros: Ease of use
Cons: Difficult to judge which birds received what dosage if at all.
1 oz. in 1 gallon of water placed for their sole source of drinking water for a full 24 hours. Best placed first thing in morning before they come off roost. If the weather is not too warm, it is also best to lock them down for the day to make certain they are not getting their water elsewhere (from dew or puddles). Wazine is not my 1st choice of a wormer, but is label approved for chickens (a rarity)


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Pros: Lays well, large brown eggs, lays in winter, friendly.
I find my Delawares to be friendly and calm. I have only had one rooster (out of many) that was a bit aggressive towards the girls, yet even he never tried to be aggressive towards any humans (even my young daughter). All of my Delawares lay nice large brown eggs very consistently, free range well, and are calm and well behaved. I believe so much that the breed is one of a few near perfect birds for the back yard fancy that I have started to breed them. One of the better breeds if you have children that like to handle the chickens.
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