Reviews by Banana Hen


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful, can fly from predators, nice when tame
Cons: VERY flighty
These birds are born fliers. If not kept in a roofed pen, they will escape. Not all roosters are mean, but mine pecks particularly hard. They are unique in that the roosters have multiple spurs, but none are super sharp. These are some of the most beautiful birds in chickendom. (along with cochins
) They aren't the best layers, with small eggs that come about four times a week. I would not recommend to the novice.
Pros: Loads of character, pretty, friendly
Cons: Feisty, likes to go broody, bad layers
D'Anvers are lovely little creatures. They are especially funny when they are broody. They do not lay well, but are bred for looks, and come in many varieties, including the most popular, quail, and others like Millie Fleur and Black. They are small, so make sure they can reach the water dish.
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Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, Nice looking, Easy to care for
Cons: Small eggs, Not as dark as we expected
We have kept these birds for a year now, and they are very nice. Their eggs are not as dark as advertised, and they are not excellent layers. They are beautiful birds, perfect for childeren, and very friendly. Ours always come to greet us when we visit their pen, and look for treats. A novice could keep them without problems.
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