Reviews by bantambury


Super Admin
Pros: Very beautiful! Fun to be around! love to flap their wings! Beautiful green feathers, great and easy to handle. Bantam sized
Cons: Small eggs, few eggs. Not cold hardy.
We hatched our jap bantam last year, getting a mixed dozen of eggs to hatch.

I absolutely love our jap, Cadbury. he is so sweet and fun to be around. He is easy for kids to handle and small.
One thing I am scared about this winter is whenther or not he will survive. every time I o out the tips of his comb and ends of his wattles are a brownish black.

He is a sewwt bird and is easy to take care of. I definitely recommend this breed for shows, 4h, or as pets, being a wonderful addition to the yard to give it a classy ornamental look.
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