Reviews by BayBay Peepers

Pros: Sweet, Smart, Quirky
Cons: Don't live forever
I absolutely love my Buff Orpingtons. They never disappoint me (besides not living forever). They're so friendly and gentle. My guests love to feed them because they'll jump in laps and eat right out of your hand. My rooster is phenomenal. He takes such good care of his girls. He protects the babies, always has an eye on the sky, lets everyone eat first, etc. The hens will literally steal food right out of the poor guys mouth and he'll just wait for me to give him a new piece. I will always keep Orpingtons in my flock, they are just so great and I love having them follow me around the yard. Even the dogs like to hang out with the Orpingtons here so they can all share snacks.

Mr. Chick Magnet.

And they make really great mothers :)
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