Reviews by Bigwig

Pros: Attractive eggs, The hens are usually friendly towards people and other chickens.
Cons: Roosters aggressive, They don't lay much.
My EE hens are, for the most part, friendly but are very poor layers. They will sometimes lay well for about a week and then quite for several months. My EE roosters are aggressive towards me and the other chickens and don't protect the hens very well. My hens are very docile and quiet and one will fly up onto my lap if I'm sitting. I recommend the hens for anybody who wants chickens as pets, not as laying hens.
Pros: Good egg production, friendly and docile.
Cons: Leg weaknesses, eats a lot, poops a lot.
My Cornish Rock Cross hen has been very friendly towards people and other chickens and has laid more eggs than any other breed I have (Barred Rocks, Speckled Sussex, Americana, and Red Cross). She will follow us around the yard and will come when called. The downside to this breed is the vast quantity of poop produced as well as leg weaknesses (bumble-foot is a real issue with this breed).

Barred Rock

Pros: Good layers, friendly toward their own breed, usually friendly towards people.
Cons: Aggressive towards other breeds of chicken, sometimes flighty.
My Barred Rocks have been good steady layers throughout their first laying and most of their second year. They have been clannish and even somewhat protective towards others of their own breed but are sometimes aggressive towards other breeds. Mine have been louder than the other breeds, especially during spring and summer when they are producing more eggs. Some of mine lay very large eggs and have had difficulty laying.


Pros: Pretty eggs, usually friendly towards people.
Cons: Flighty, roosters aggressive, low egg production.
My Americana's have been aggressive towards other chickens and typically avoid capture. Their egg production has not been great, and both of my roosters have been aggressive towards the hens as well as people. The upside to this breed is the wide range of color varieties available as well as the attractive color of their eggs (My hens lay pale blue eggs).
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