Reviews by blue2jade

Pros: Friendly, great personality, good layer, curious
Cons: None have arisen at this point
My barred rock is the nicest girl of my flock. She comes to the gate of her coop to greet me each time I go out there. Always the first to venture into the unknown parts of the backyard when they're let out. When she was a chick, if I was paying too much attention to someone else, she would let me know by pulling on my sleeve or gently tapping my hand until I turned to her. Great layers and friends, very curious and docile. I will get this breed again.


Pros: Docile, not skittish, good layer
Cons: won't let you pick them up, not very personable
My two Speckled Sussex are nice enough. They don't peck at the other hens or at me, and they pretty much just leave everyone alone. Don't come up to me like the rest of the flock when I let them out of the coop, and really hate being picked up. If I try they start struggling a lot and if/when they get their wings out smack me until I have to set them down or they get out of my arms. Other than that, they are great layers with beautiful brown eggs. They lay all year, and aren't broody at all.


Super Admin
Pros: Docile, friendly, not skittish, good layer, and personalities of their own
Cons: none have become apparent so far
I own two BO's, both very sweet animals, but not super affectionate. Both of my Orpingtons tolerate being picked up or held without much raucous, although it's not their favorite activity. They like to be around people, and each have their own personality quirks. One of them is a little shier than the other, but if I'm calm around her, she'll come right up to me for pets or possibly for snacks. They were much more social as chicks, always the first to climb on my lap when I took them out of the brooder. As they have aged they have become less attached, but are great layers and still very friendly. They lay nice big brown eggs all year, and although I have heard they can be broody, I haven't had any problems yet.
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