Reviews by bluegiantsc

Pros: Gentle
Cons: Loud
I have 2, a hen and a rooster. They're a little over 1 now, and almost done growing.
The hen started laying eggs at about 7 months, and shes been laying 1 a day since then. The eggs are great! We don't even buy store bought because she makes so many. The hen is very shy and timid, she watches from the side lines i guess you could say. But shes the first to find the bugs!
The rooster on the other hand is my buddy. He follows me everywhere like a dog, he lays by my chair when we sit outside, he lays in my flower beds when i'm working in them. He knows what the cup looks like that i feed them from. So when i walk out with the cup he runs to me and tries to get the food. He will attack though if i don't feed them fast enough, he also comes when you have another cup in your hand and gets mad its not food, so hes had a few drinks thrown on him.
The only issue i have with him though is every time i'm outside on the phone he crows. He crows all day long, thankfully not at night.
Overall, they're very hardy, healthy birds. They make us laugh and as long as you don't have neighbors who care about the crowing, i think they would be good for a starter flock. They're very self-sufficient. I love my blue jersey giants!
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