Reviews by BroodyChknMomma

Pros: True to standard Dominiques, good customer service, nice chicks
Cons: unsexed in rarer breeds
Several years ago I ordered 15 chicks from Cackle. They all were healthy, and thrived after being shipped all the way to NNY. Their Dominiques are from an old successful show line and I got 2 show worthy hens in my order. I also had their Buff Orps, SL Wyandottes, GL Wyandottes. I was extremely pleased. The only thing I didn't like was that they didn't used to offer Marck's vaccinations of chicks, but they do now.
Pros: Good camoflauage coloring, great layers, good in cold weather, friendly, beautiful, talkactive, great foragers
Cons: none
I purchased my first Dominiques from Cackle Hatchery in Missouri and they were very true to true Dom standard. My next pullets are on order from McMurray, because I wanted Marck's vaccinations.

My Dominiques are beautiful girls, each has a very distinct personality, the Dom hens seem to be the rulers of the roost. They have the best camoflauage from predators of any of my hens. They are great foragers, while the other hens are relaxing in the sun, my Doms are out scratching and eating bugs.

My girls were very good layers too. Mine layed a large to x-large egg nearly everyday. They also tend to be very clean chickens and keep themselves well groomed. I live in Northern NY near Canada and it gets very rainy and muddy here with lots of snow and the Dominiques keep nice and clean and they do very well in cold weather.

With Buff Orps, Dominiques are my favorite breed of hen. I'd highly recommend them.
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Pros: Very cold hardy, spunky, good foragers, intelligent, good layers
Cons: some can be skiddish
I'd had Silver Laced Wyandottes since I was a kid in 4H. I've also had Golden Laced Wyandottes and the Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. They are mostly friendly, some can be a bit skiddish, and independant, but, mostly they are friendly. They are good layers of medium to large brown eggs. They are extremely cold hardy and they do fairly well in hot temperatures too. They are good foragers as well. I bought my prettiest laced hens from Cackle Hatchery in Missouri. Here's a photo of one of my GL Wyandottes "Big Momma".
Pros: Broody, good mommas, good layers, good foragers, large eggs, very docile & friendly, cold weather tolarant
Cons: broodiness if you don't want chicks, they like to be dominant hens
Buff Orpingtons are one of my favorite breeds. They are good layers of large creamy brown eggs, very docile and they love people. Mine were excellent foragers. If you want broody hens, these hens make great mothers. Not all I had were broody, but, the ones that were broody were very determined to set. They usually like to be the "queen bees" in the hen house. The rooster I had was very docile and non-aggressive. I'd highly recommend.
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