Reviews by BullardBarnyard

Pros: Funny little things, I must say
Cons: Too darn timid!
We got our Ammies 2 weeks after our originals. So there is quite an age difference, but all the chickens seem to get along, which is nice. They're very timid, and they like to run around. We let the big ladies go outside, then we rotate and herd the babies outside. They're a pain to get back in, i once chased one everywhere. It was probably traumatized. But theyre very sweet and beautiful birds, I recommend them. Theyre not one to flap everywhere, and theyre very very very sweet.
Pros: Friendly, Daring.
Cons: Shy, and a little TOO nice (oh, hey, step on me. its all good)
We got one Australorp, and I claimed it as mine because it was black. We had 3 blk sex links, but these were speckled. This was different. This was mine. She's a friendly hen
(we hope) and is the first to do everything. First trip outside.First one to find the utilities. First, first, first, FIRST.
Really cool birdies.
Pros: Nice, Friendly, Positive and F-U-N.
Cons: ......
We got ours a few weeks ago. We got them from our local Cal-Ranch, and they are great. Not laying yet, they are still too young, but we love them. They're built big, but are so sweet. I recommend these to anyone. Whether you have 214246454546438409245024762365424546423454664 chickens or are just starting to want some, Orps are the way to go. <3.
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