Reviews by Callsp

Pros: Hold good amount of water
Cons: Cant hang and will freeze quickly
I had this in my chicken coop but would way rather the plastic one over this because this one freezes what to fast in the winter. Because it is metal, the cold will make the metal even colder freezing the water inside. When I came out to the coop every morning to redo the water, i saw a chickens whos comb got stuck on the ice makeing the comb freeze. I would not recomend this product. Get the plastic one. :)
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Pros: Chicks love it
Cons: Takes up some amount of space rather than a heat lamp
It is an amazing device for keeping the chicks warm. It does owever take up alot of space depending on the size of the brooder you have your chicks in. Im giving this a 5 because the heatlamp makes the whole brooder warm and if the chicks get to hot they can't escape the heat. When you have this product, it heats a certain amount of space so that if your chicks get to hot, than they can run out from under it. I would much rather this product over the heatlamps. This only has to be plugged in rather than wasting money on more heat bulbs. I Definatly recommend to anyone who is trying to decide between heat lamp and this.
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Pros: Extremely Pretty and awsome egg layers
Cons: Can be bullies to other birds
okay, so heres the thing. I bought them mostly for thier looks and their egg production. But a few months after I got them as chicks and they were feathered, they turned out to look a little weird. Their backs have feathers that are not there and their heads are starting to loose feathers. They have been checked for fleas and there have been no signs of pecking or bulliing. The other breeds that are along with the barred rocks are absolutly fine and they is nothing wrong with them. If anyone has any odeas....Please reply to this message.


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Pros: They are sweet birds and noises out of these birds are at a minimum!!
Cons: Buff Orpingtons have a low laying rate and they are known for going broody a lot
I think that the Buff Orpington chicken is a very sweet bird. They are gental and they will (once in a while) let me pet them and pick them up. However, they are chickens that have a low laying rate and they are known to go broody quite often. I have experienced this a lot with this chicken. Besides that reason, I recommend this chicken for people who are starting.
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