Reviews by Cambium29

Pros: small size, very friendly, good forager, alert, broody--will sit on anything
Cons: tend to be picked on, can fly high and far, does not like to be separated from flock
We love our Nankin hen. She's very sweet and good natured, excellent bird for beginners or kids. She comes when called, she's an excellent bug hunter, likes to sit on your lap (or head, or shoulder), and alerts the other birds to dangers. She's very broody which is either a good or bad thing, will sit on any egg or egg-shaped object (golf balls, walnuts, etc.). She does not like to be separated from the flock. Because of her small size and sweet nature, she is at the bottom of the pecking order, but she gets special human attention so she seems to be happy. Our hen can and does fly. She has no problem clearing a 10ft high fence, and we've found her on the garage roof a few times. Bite-sized eggs are small, a few a week, but quite tasty.
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