Reviews by Capn


Super Admin
Pros: goofy, super curious, quiet
Cons: hyper, super curious, a bit flighty/jumpy, hard to catch to hold.
Where do I start with this chicken. We got our first egg today and I'm pleasantly surprised, it's about a large size egg, just a tad smaller than our store bought extra large eggs.

This chicken is the goofball of our flock. Always the first out of the coop, first to run up and get a treat. Even as a chick, she was the first to perch, first to find her way out of the bin we had them in, first to jump up on our bathroom counter. She would jump up on us if we got to close and try to perch on us like a parrot. She is always the first to figure out something new.

She has the "I don't care what anyone thinks of me" attitude, but in a good way. If she wants to see something or do something, she will do it without hesitation.

My only complaint is she is not very "holdable." She is absolutely not shy in the least about coming for a treat, she's always the first, but if you get your hand anywhere near her, she will jump and squawk. She comes right back to get more treats, but she doesn't not like being caught or held. She is quite vocal for a few seconds when you do catch her. She relents though and lets us hold her once we have her. She likes to do her own 'thang' her own way.

Very fun bird. Just not the cuddly type. I would definitely have a couple of these in a large flock. They will give you lots of enjoyment if you like watching your chickens.


Super Admin
Pros: cute, cuddly, friendly, non-aggressive, quiet
Cons: very small eggs (bantam)
We have a cochin bantam and she is definitely our favorite chicken. Any one of us can bend right down and pick her right up without the least bit of trouble. She will let you hold and pet her. I think she actually enjoys it. She is very tiny so easy to hold. She has so many feathers, she's super soft and round.

She does lay an egg pretty much every day, but they are not much bigger than a quail egg.

This would be the perfect chicken if you want for a pet. They have smaller eggs, smaller poops, ours doesn't hardly make any noise even. We absolutely love this little chicken.

Oh, I can't forget the feathered legs. Since she is a small round fluff ball with short little legs, she hops side to side almost as she runs and with the feathered feet, you have never seen anything so funny in your life. Cracks me up every time! If we didn't need the eggs, I'd love a whole flock of these funny little chickens.
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