Reviews by CayugaLover


Super Admin
Pros: nice eggs, rarely get sick
Cons: too flighty around humans and yet they would walk right up to a fox... and have...
i suppose i'm just too picky, but i started out with 5 and now i have one. all four gone were taken by foxes, and the one i have left isn't very nice. at least she doesn't pick on the other birds.

Cornish Bantams

Pros: cuddly, friendly, likes kids, adorable little crow, rarely picks on other birds, has never attacked or threatened me...
Cons: ...none come to mind...
i've hade my little rooster, Grayson, since he was a chick. he's really sweet to people and to my other birds, and he doesn't mind at all when i scoop him up, hug him, kiss his beak...
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Super Admin
Pros: never bites, won't run away, doesn't poo, will let you pick them up, doesn't eat food or drink water, doesn't need a bathing pool, very quiet.
Cons: doesn't lay any eggs.
he's a fake mallard, and i named him teal.
very nice bird! kind of boring, though.and i never have to worry about him getting attacked by a fox!
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Pros: very informative, explanitive, has information that i haven't been able to find elsewhere
Cons: umm... none yet!
i haven't finished the book yet, but i already know that it's great! it is very helpful, with lots of information on all sorts of great things. i have only borrowed it from the liebrary, but i definitly would like to own it! it also has good pictures. i definitly recommend it!
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Super Admin
Pros: beatiful, sweet temperement, very quiet, gets in my lap, great bug control, shiny white feathers make it hard to miss.
Cons: uuuh..... my drake likes earrings.
i am the proud owner of two muscovies, one male and one juvenile female... i am hoping to get more soon. the female is the most tame animal i have ever met. she will eat out of your hand, and sit in your lap. she makes a wide variety of quiet, sweet noises. my drake, cyclone, is very sweet and will stand in my lap, without food or treats to bribe him. he will 'talk' to me, huffing when i bring him treats. i think that muscovies are overall great birds and a great pet! (the drake was free as a gift. i don't remember how much the duck was, but she was well worth it!)
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Super Admin
Pros: sweet, friendly, beatiful, produce great eggs, don't mind being pet, outgoing, won't bite, won't scratch... the list goes on and on!
Cons: be prepared to clean up a mess...
i just love my cayugas! (notice my username...) it took a while to build up their trust, but now, they will get in my lap and let me pet them. one of them is learning her name, Midnight, and she is very smart. their eggs are bigger and taste richer than chicken eggs, and they won't eat your earrings like some other chickens and ducks do. i don't mind the mess they make, but, they just can't leave the mud puddles alone!
they were about 10 dollars each.
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