Reviews by cdover15


Super Admin
Pros: friendly, easy to catch when needed, lay pretty large eggs, can't fly over anything really
Cons: can't get on the roost
I love my brahmas! The first one I got was really sweet and at first I thought it was just because she was older and used to people. But when I got three more LF hens, I realized that they are all friendly! Even in the stress of going to a poultry swap and coming home in a small cage for a 2 hour car ride and being dropped off in an unfamiliar pen, they did not peck me or act aggressive as has happened with many other birds. They are pretty slow and don't run away from people, which makes them easy to catch when you need to get them. They don't lay very much, but at almost 4 years old my blue laced red brahma still lays nice big medium brown eggs. I thought she was done but she surprised me. I actually had to build an extremely short roost for them, and sometimes they still don't get on it. I guess they cant fly because of their size. These girls are huge!
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