Reviews by Chicken Girl1


Super Admin
Pros: Even tempered, sociable, good broody, pretty, good layers
Cons: None
Beautiful and friendly, they were one of my first favorite breeds (you can tell I have multiple now :p). I've had one that was an absolutely fantastic broody and was so excited to get another this past year.


Super Admin
Pros: Good egg layer
Cons: Stops laying sooner
My Red Star was apparently different then most because she loved humans. Probably the friendliest girl in my flock. She also had now internal or egg laying issues (besides stopping sooner then my dual purpose breeds) and lived a long time (in the end dying due to a predator).
Purchase Price
$1 as a chick
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Pros: Pretty, sweet, lay colorful eggs
Love my Easter Eggers, sweet, adorable, quirky birds with great personalities. Although I advise get a nipple waterer especially if you have these birds because they get their birds all wet and dirty with other waterers.
Pros: Easy to clean, easy to fill, easy to keep clean, doesn't spill out.
Cons: None, except I'm paranoid about breaking them......
I don't know why I didn't get these sooner but they were one of the best decisions I made during my years of chicken keeping (the first best would be getting chicks ;)). Recommended for all chicken keepers!
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Pros: Perky and Excellent egg layers
Cons: ???
I have just gotten my first BLS in March as chicks and they are cute little guys! They are now laying hens and are very friendly and personally I think pretty. I would recommend this breed to any friend.Here are a few pictures of my girls, Nora and Merry.

Pros: All natural guide on how to raise your chickens.
Cons: None
I would recommend this book to every chicken owner, new or old. It gives helpful tips and advice on how to try and raise your chickens naturally. Great book, must read!
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I enjoyed this as well and she partnered with Meyer Hatchery for customer appreciation days and can go visit get a book and shop. Love it! Great use of herbs for healthy hens. I compare my feed bag to what the breakfast of champions is. Whatever my feed is missing I add. They love it! :love
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