Reviews by Chicken Goddess

Pros: Great Layer, Lays an egg everyday / Food Wise / Loves Humans
Cons: Habit of pecking me in the eye / Pecks other chickens when it comes to food / Wouldn't say they are child friendly
They are good chickens for egg laying and for being food wise. But when holding them you'll have to be careful, my chickie pecks me in the eye and the mouth (she even ate food out of my mouth when i was eating a muesily bar
). They are pretty bad when it comes to introducing new chickens and they peck other chickens when it comes to food.
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Super Admin
Pros: Good egg layers / Fluffy / Friendly
Cons: Squirm when holding / make a mess in the yard
Leghorns are great egg laying chickens. They are friendly to other Leghorns and can easily fly. The only problems is that they are bad in the pecking order and they can make a mess of the yard. My Leghorn has a habit of kicking dirt out of the pot.
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Super Admin
Pros: Look cool / feathers shine in the sun / food wise / child friendly
Cons: A "To die for" chicken
I have a black araucana. she is sooo CUTE!! They are very interested in things and dont squirm when you hold them. try to get a black one, their feathers shine in the sun green and purple! Wicked
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