Reviews by Chicken Staff


Super Admin
Pros: Great egg production, Intelligent, Loads of Personality
Cons: Need lots of activities
I have two Black Stars, one Red Star and a laced winged Wyandotte. The Stars are all great people hens; they follow me around and love to be held. They're not quite as cuddly as my sweet little Wyandotte. These hens have loads of personality, but I find that the Red Star is the really comedian of the group as is always the instigator of all chicken mayhem at my house. They are also very talkative to each other and to me.

They have been very consistent egg producers for the year I've had them. It is rare for any of the Stars to miss a day of egg laying. The eggs are L - XL. The albumen of the Red Star is much more dense than that of the Black Stars.

Because they are intelligent, you need to make sure they have lots of activities available. Mine free range, so I'm not sure how they would do in close quarters. They also tend to overwhelm the meek little Wyandotte, though they don't peck or otherwise mistreat her.

I think this is a perfect breed for the first time chicken owner, and would highly recommend you include at least one Red Star.
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