Reviews by chicken19

Pros: Pretty, All look different, lay tonnes of green eggs, love cuddles, and are adorable, plus have the cutest baby peep ever.
Cons: Can get sick fairly easy, lice love their beards and muffs.
More pros:
Have awesome beard/muffs, love cuddles and a pretty/adorable!

Barred Rock

Pros: They are great layers and hardy birds.
Cons: They need to be trained early to be friendly
My barred rocks are amazing layers. They need to be handled quite early or else they are hard to handle.
They are very smart and lay an egg every day. They also lay HUGE eggs, sometimes with double yolks.
They come when I shake my mealworm container!!
They are very, very hardy birds and are perfectly happy in the cold.
I think barred rocks are a GREAT breed and hope that others enjoy then too!
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