Reviews by chickendreams24

Pros: Large docile calm flock friendly can go broody great mothers, good layers, many colors to choose from, great starter chicken! Winter hardy. good free rangers and foragers. Very friendly and enjoy people. Dual purpose
Cons: Can be broody(if you don't like that), can have trouble with extreme heat. The occasional one can be lazy, even a chow hound which can lead to obesity(this seems rare for our birds though)
The first chickens we bought were American Buff Orpingtons(naturally before they came we got more breeds).

We now have both American and imported English lines of Orpingtons. I love them both. We have lavenders, blacks, chocolate, chocolate cuckoo, buffs, and we just hatched out several that I believe include mottled blacks, mauves and blues.

They also come in a couple of laced colors partridge and many others. we love our Orps. They're awesome!

The American lines do tend to not be as fluffy and lay better than the English but our English lines lay very well probably 5/week for most of our girls if not more.

I highly recommend you try this breed. We had a three year old visitor pick up a buff hen and cart her around. Also our three year old nephew loved our biggest roo and I didn't have to worry if he was safe. While I'd never leave a child unattended with the flock it was awesome to see them interact.
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