Reviews by chickenluvin


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Pros: Enjoy those dark brown eggs, overall a nice bird
Cons: Not the most productive hens, dark brown is only consistent at the beginning
I really wanted to add dark brown egg layers to my little flock. They are a pretty bird with a fairly even temperament. The first eggs were very dark & they lay quite well. But they didn't have a very long laying spell for a first year chicken. They quit entirely for the winter & are slow to get going in the spring. The dark egg definitely gets lighter & never gets as dark as the 1st summer again... but still darker than the average brown layer. I haven't decided whether to get them again mostly because I find them not terribly productive even at about a year old & that the really dark initial eggs never get that dark again.
Overall.. would recommend trying them for a little colour in your egg basket.
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I have a few Australorps and they lay brown eggs, winter is just ending and they laid the whole winter, you could try these breeds. They are really good. They've stayed darker brown the whole time!


Pros: Very friendly, calm, curious, bright & cheerful little birds
Cons: None
I have bantam Lavender Ameraucanas & I absolutely love them! They are so bright, curious & cheerful & the friendliest birds in my flock. They sit on me and love to be cuddled & stroked more than any other breed I have had. Even if you didn't spend time with them like I do, I think they would be savvy, smart birds. They really make excellent pets though! I have 5 & do not find any of them skittish at all. They are good fliers if that makes a difference for you, but it's a cool part of their character & maybe why some think they are skittish? The sweetest little chickens ever... 💗
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Pros: Sweet, very friendly, tough as nails, feisty & all things great!
Cons: Sometimes broody but that can be a good thing for some chicken lovers!
Such a wonderful little chicken!
I have 4 bantam frizzles & a smooth & all are super tough. Frizzles are perfectly fine in rain or snow in my experiences. Mine are always out in it & have gone through -40's winters with zero problem! Tough, feisty little ones! In extreme conditions I keep all my chickens in a protected run & coop with no extra heat, otherwise they have freedom to choose the outdoors.
They are so darn cute, sweet, fun & friendly & would make a great pet for kids & adults alike.
Be prepared for the odd broody spell. They want to be mommas more often than some breeds. I just separate them without a nesting box for 3-4 days & it breaks the broody spell.
Will always have some! LOVE them!!
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Pros: Beautiful, quirky, friendly, curious, entertaining... they make me laugh!
Cons: More of a medium egg size if that's important...
I did a lot of research to make sure I got compatible, easy going, friendly breeds because I love to interact with my chickens a lot. I currently have 4 Faverolles along with 4 Buff Orpingtons & 5 bantam Cochins. Very compatible together, allowing the Faverolles not to be necessarily at the bottom of the pecking order. I just love these girls!! They follow me around, are very curious & love to chat up a storm with you. They love to undo my shoe laces, preen my hair & are usually the 1st to greet me with their chatty excitement. They are eye candy & a lot of fun with unique, quirky personalities that never fail to make me smile. Mine lay lots of medium eggs, but I don't mind the egg size at all because I enjoy these girls so much. I found that my girls got more personable as they matured. I used to have a Faverolles roo & he was so easy going... not an ounce of mean in him.
It depends on what you are looking for in a chicken, but personally I would highly recommend this breed & will never be without them!!
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