Reviews by Chicks & Chickens

Pros: Sweet, cuddly, and wonderfully behaved. My Cockerel is the sweetest Chicken ever. I would definitely recommend them to anyone!
Cons: Mine crowed VERY often. (I don't know if it's the Chicken itself, or the breed. Just warning you.)
I got my Barred Plymouth Rock unexpectedly from an assortment of Eggs. I immediately fell in love with mine. They are very calm birds as Chicks. Very social and very cuddly. Mine was definitely a favorite breed. My only concern is that the really quiet ones seem to turn out incredibly LOUD! This is probably just Chickens in general, so don't let this effect your love for these. I would highly recommend this for any Chicken lover, whether they want a loving, lap-raised Chicken or an outdoor one, if you're considering it- Get it!
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