Reviews by Coopacabana


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, beautiful array of colors, tiny, frizzles & silkied
Cons: not really cold tolerant... but that gives you an excuse to bring them in the house!
I just got a silkied pair and the hen especially is so tiny I can hardly believe she's real! They are also the friendliest, sweetest chickens I have ever owned. They actually seek out attention and if I give one too much attention the other gets upset! I was cuddling my rooster and the cage door was open, and the hen jumped out and made herself at home on my lap. The number of beautiful colors out there is astounding, and there are frizzles and booted as well as silkied and smooths! I my next will be a frizzle, I think. They are too cute!
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Pros: will lay dark eggs someday hopefully, beautiful, feathered legs
Cons: not friendly, taking forever to lay, weird & annoying crow
I have had two roosters and a hen (black copper). They are quite beautiful but I had to get rid of the roosters because they make a terrible noise! And I enjoy my other rooster's crows! It was like Ooooooooh- ooooooh- ahhhhhooooh. Really deep and mournful and irritating. They are skittish & flighty. The hen is over 7 months, maybe 8, and has yet to lay. I think if I want chocolate layers I should go with welsummers. But super beautiful, love the feathered legs!!!
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