Reviews by crazy rooster34


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly to a point
don't eat alot
don't need a lot of space
Cons: extremely prone to illness
i love these birds but they are prone to diseases, i do keep mine in a clean environment though, thankfully mine haven't been super sick yet but i know peoples who have, great pet and amazing mother, wouldn't recommend to a new chicken keeper but if your more experienced with chickens go for it you won't be disappointed.
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Pros: Human friendly, nice large brown eggs, lots of eggs
Cons: mean to anything other than itself
these are great dont get me wrong, everything is perfect except, i put 6 new chicks and everything was fine until one of my hens decided she was going to be a rooster and started riding the 6 new chicks, needles to say I'm going to have a chicken diner soon, i know its the pecking order but 2 red stars in particular won't leave any one alone from riding them, pecking them, or just chasing, so 5 chickens are getting eaten:clap
Pros: Good egg laying, pretty
Cons: Can be mean to other chickens, have trouble laying, skittish, not the most people friendly
My prod. red has trouble laying every morning, she will squat and sequel like theres no tomorrow it takes her about 25 to 30 minutes to lay once she sits down, Normally for my GSL they have no trouble laying. She also hates being touched and is very skittish, she even bit my poor GSL comb off, i would only recommend for experienced flock owners who only wants eggs
Pros: great layers, very docile, very people friendly, large eggs for there size
Cons: Loud, Mean to new chicks
I have 5 one year old hens , that have laid nearly every day since 20 weeks old, they lay a medium-large brown egg every day. My hens just let me pick them up and carry them around, or pet them. I love them to death but i recently got six new chicks to introduce and they aren't the best to them, but other than that they are perfect, i recommend them for first time chicken owners who want a lot of eggs
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