Reviews by Ducclelover10

Pros: Sweet, smart, full of personality, a great lap chicken, unpredictable, fun!
Cons: Stubborn, has issues, unpredictable, sometimes skittish.
My EE's/Ameraucanas were/are great! We had three, two died.We ordered two of them as Ameraucanas but we don't think they were true Ameracaunas.:( And two of them loved to be held! The one that's left will come when you call her name (or at least acknowledge you) she loved to be snuggled and loves to fallow people around. (I named her Marshmallow!) My EE went crazy a couple years ago when she was two, it all started when we got new chicks and I wasn't spending as much time with her 'cause I was busy with the chicks. Now her soul desire is to make they little chicken miserable. She pulls out the their feathers, pulls on their wings, and just tortures them. When she was a chick I taught her to do a few tricks. I can honestly say she is the best and the most interesting chicken we've ever had, and she's a great layer of beautiful blue eggs! It's really a surprise with these chickens, you never know how they will turn out! Call me crazy but sometimes I think this chicken can actually understand me!


Misty ^
Pros: Cute, small, friendly, smart, and energetic.
Cons: Flighty, and goes broody often.
My d'Anver is a little fire ball, she's also very good at figuring things out, especially if it involves food!
She's very friendly and very fun to watch! And great with little children!
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Pros: Cute, sweet, fun, pretty, lovable, and a true bantam.
These chickens are so nice, and they are real lap chickens!
I have one that's the bottom of the pecking order and whenever she gets chased or pecked she'll come running to me!
She loves to be snuggled! Unfortunately she is too scared too eat on her own so I have to hand feed her.
And she goes through phases where she won't eat a certain type of food for a few days ,and a lot of the foods the other chickens love, she won't eat.
After a while of me being gone she'll come looking for me.
Here are a few picks of her:

Her name is Millie!

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