Reviews by ElizabethAz


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Pros: very ornimental
Cons: little bit flighty
Had two groups for breeding, the goldens and silvers. Hens and Roos were both skittish. But they were very beautiful.
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Pros: excellent layers, setters, flyers
Cons: hmmmm...
These are very colorful, boisterous, and proud little birds! The hens make the best mothers, and the roosters are too cute to watch strut their stuff. I had a breeding group that consisted of four hens and one rooster, and Travis (the roo) would help feed the chicks, and the hens!. I often had more than one clutch of eggs hatch out, and it was a group effort on thier part raising all the chicks--none of my hens pecked on each others babies. AND they make really good free range birds--these babies can run! And because of their light build FLY--far!
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Pros: lots of eggs, very calm birds
Cons: non-setters
Perfect for anyone who wants mellow birds that lay lots..lots..and LOTs of eggs. They come in a variety of colors--not just the commercial 'white' and are over all a good sturdy bird.
Pros: very cute birds, good layers and setters.
Cons: are there any???
I had 8 Millie Fluers, and they were one of my most favorite bantams. Yosemite Sam, our rooster, was so cute the way he would strut around--the feathers on his feet made him look like he was wearing chaps lol. Very good parents all around--more people need to own these birds :)
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Pros: good setters
Cons: not good flyers
Excellent barnyard birds, My rooster was best friends with our Stallion..unfortunately this breed is too heavy for free range. They can not fly to escape predators. Otherwise very sweet temperments.


Super Admin
Pros: very cute
Cons: can't see too well
Loved my silkies! They were so unique, and soft. But the fluff on their heads can be an obstruction..I had one rooster fall into a grain bucket that I had filled with water and left under a tree--not thinking that he would find it and drown! The hens were excellent mothers.
Pros: very Beautiful, good layers,
Cons: hens are shy
I had a trio of these guys for a long time, at first they were all a little skittish-- but they soon became friendly. The rooster was the first to calm down, and was quite a character. The hens were still cautious-- of all the chickens I lost to roaming dogs, coyotes, and raccoons...the only thing that was quick enough to take these guys out was a great horned owl! They are good free range birds, and are so exotic looking--everyone would ask me what they were, or even if they were chickens. Very fun, absolutely one of my favorites ;)
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