Reviews by ElysetheMom


Super Admin
Pros: Lays unique blue/green eggs.
Cons: Doesn't lay as many eggs as other breeds.
Every year we get at least a few Araucanas. The eggs are lovely and every Araucana is unique and differently-colored. They don't lay as many eggs as other breeds such as Rhode Island Reds, Leghorns, and Plymouth Rock. However they make up for it with the unique coloring of their eggs.
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Super Admin
Pros: Large, hardy bird. Lays at least average number of eggs.
Cons: The eggs aren't actually that dark. They don't lay as much as other breeds.
I was a bit disappointed in this breed. The eggs really aren't "dark", just a smidgen darker than our Rhode Island Red eggs. Sometimes you can't even tell the difference. And they don't lay as many eggs as our Orpingtons and Rhode Island Reds.
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Pros: Very hardy bird; lays lots of eggs.
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