Reviews by FoxholeFarm


Super Admin
Pros: good layer, lays for many years,
Cons: territorial, bullies other birds, projectile poo
I adopted an australorpe when she was already 4 years old thinking it would just be a short stop over before freezer-camp, but she ended up staying for almost a year because she was such a great layer. Even at her age I was getting daily large/extra large eggs with smooth solid shells. She did have some funny bald spots around her chin where she just never got them back after a molt so she wasn't the prettiest anymore, but that hardly matters when she's such a good layer. I did eventually decide to cull her when she took a big chunk of skin off one of my new chicks and went back for more. I understand that pecking-order duels are nopamal, but have no patience for violent aggression that leaves major injuries on my other birds.


Super Admin
Pros: calm, mild mannered, beautiful plumage
Cons: very heavy, not laying at all!
I Purchased a 1.5 year old Double Blue Laced hen from Just Struttin Farm several months ago. At that age, she should be laying, but I still have yet to see a single egg from her and I am very disappointed considering I paid a pretty penny for her. At first I assumed it was the stress of the move that had halted her production, but months later, she is still eggless.

She is beautiful and mellow and I wont just be getting rid of her for lack of eggs, but I sure am disappointed considering all I had heard about the prolific laying and dark brown eggs.
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