Reviews by froggiesheins

Pros: Smart, fantastic mothers, handsome stags.
Cons: The crowing can be irritating..
I fell into a "nest" of game birds when I moved my horse to a private residence stable 5 years ago. OH MY GOODNESS, I love the birds as much as my horse. They were not being taken care of properly and I took over their care. I spend alot of time talking to them and just standing in their aviary when I go to feed and clean. Once they realize you mean them not harm, the hens will talk to you which I find so nice. Hard to catch, but once you do catch them, they are just sweet and friendly.
Game hens with their chicks have to be the bestest thing EVER! They do guard those chicks with their life and heaven help you if you get too close. I have seen mama keep her chicks till they were as big as her and it is hysterical to watch 6-7 almost full grown chicks all try to squeeze under mama.
SO glad I am able to get up close and personnal with these birds.
Pros: VERY PROTECTIVE of his girls and SO pretty to look at, and is very docile 99% of the time.
Cons: Trying to think of one....
I got my "Pharow" at a horse stables as a week old chick. What a surprize package he turned out to be! I knew he was gamey but had no idea how beautiful he would turn out to be! Unsure of his exact breeding but like they say a picture is worth a thousand words. He has blue/gray legs and had a pea comb. I had him dubbed as the comb flopped over in his eye and game birds just look better [in my opinion] with out a comb. p.s. I sparred him once with a guys roo and he can sure KICK ***! The guy was carrying on about how good his bird was, so I just had to one up him. OH and here is the clincher, my boy only has ONE LEG! He lost his right leg below the hock in a freak accident but gets around just fine..... Here is Pharow... I LOVE MY BOY!


Super Admin
Pros: Extremely friendly, curious, great house pet..
Cons: Can be fragile, because of the small size
Because of size constraints at my house I looked into banty sized birds and discovered Seramas in the process. I never looked back, they are the ULTIMATE pet in my book. They are friendly, fun to watch at play, great lap-dogs, I could go on and on....I take my favorite with in the car, into stores, that allow animals, [great ice breaker]. My Lulu rides on the shopping cart handle at Home Depot. Oh I could go on and on. Mine are strictly pets but there is a growing interest in showing these guys too...
They are NOT cold hardy so you do have to take that into consideration. I am lucky enough to have a hen that is a hatching fool and a great mama . Mine live with two large banty sized hens and there is no problems. They can and will hold their ground if necessary. Don't know how I lived with out them! :love

Some of the feathered crew in the coop with their bigger buddies...............

I always have something up my sleeve..hee hee
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