Reviews by Frutfarm

Barred Rock

Pros: Sweet. Gentle even when broody. Incredible feathers. Great layers. Love being handled and hand fed.
Cons: I tried to think of something, but the only con is that we had to clip wings sometimes because they'd fly over the fence.
We have 21 BR hens. Ordered 26 as day old chicks from Cackle Hatchery 2 years ago. They all arrived alive and adorable! We hand fed them clover once we moved them to their chicken tractor. We lost 1 to piling during a storm and several others to predation(hawks and neighbor dogs) and one mystery death. They are incredible birds and great layers. We also have Buff Orpingtons and the BR hens are much sweeter than the BOs! If they fly out of the fence to check out the clover I just walk up to them and they squat for me to pick them up. The broody hens chortle at me, but will let me just lift them up to gather eggs every day. We don't have a BR rooster, but I wish we did-they are gorgeous! They love clover and a good wattle/comb petting.

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