Reviews by Garden4Life

Pros: Easy to install, easy to program
Cons: none so far
I have had this door installed for two years now and have had ZERO problems. I was honestly super worried about ordering one because it isn't a big company and I wasn't sure how long it would last or if they would stand by their product if it broke. It has worked without fail for coming up on two years. I had a problem once with programing it and I called the company and they walked me through it on the phone right away. It was user error but they were super nice about it and took the time to walk me through it. The peace of mind that this door has given me is priceless. When I first installed it, I was very worried that it wouldn't work one day and I would come out and find all my girls dead from a predator getting into the coop. I would go outside with a flashlight every night for a month to make sure that door closed! I still check from time to time because it is mechanical and nothing mechanical is 100% fail safe but I rest easy and don't have to walk to the coop every night or morning to let the girls in or out. So worth it!
Pros: No spill, easy to clean, chickens learn to use it quickly
Cons: I haven't found one yet
I love these! I bought a food grade 5 gallon bucket from Lowes and attached these to the bottom/side of the bucket. I have the bucket resting on a cinder block so the cups are at drinking height for the chickens. I used to have to give the girls fresh water daily now I only need to refill the bucket every other week or so. I have two cups in one 5 gallon bucket for 7 chickens and have zero issues. I have been using the cups for about two years now. This winter has been super harsh with many weeks in the single digits. I bought a small $10 fish tank heater from Walmart and have that in the bottom close to the cups. I also placed a small heat lamp above the water bucket. My coop is FAR from insulated and I have two windows that actually don't even close all the way. You can actually see the light from the heat lamp through the cracks in the walls of the coop! I have never had a problem with these cups freezing. I do fear that these cups could malfunction and I would have no idea so I do check them every time I collect eggs. I just stick my finger in each cup and make sure they still work. They have never stopped working but it is still a fear of mine. Although I suppose that could happen with any of the chicken nipple water systems too. When these break or wear out I will definitly purchase more.
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