Reviews by grassfedchicken

Pros: tiny, smart, hens are GREAT PETS, adorable, lil eggs
Cons: had 1 agressive roo,
We only have one hen quail d'Anvers, but she has more personality then almost any other chicken in the flock. She sneaks her way into the house to forage the kitchen floor for scraps. She is best buddies with my 2 year old who hugs her without any fuss, she loves to be held, doesnt run, and will perch happily on my finger. I once had an aggressive male quail D'Anvers. males of other colors tend not to be as aggressive.
This truly is a special breed.
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Pros: good free rangers, unique colors and personalities, good flyers, heritage egg production
Cons: I think they are almost perfect!
We have had about 10 Ameracauna hens, all different colors of course, from Orscheln's feed shop. The first thing that struck me about the female chicks is that they acted quite roo-ish - adventurous, good flyers, great foragers. Each one has a strong personality with the whole range of docile to crazy. I had Princess, blue grey feathered who was extremely sweet, if I said her name she would stick her head high over the others to look at me. She didn't run and let me pet her. Most don't like to be pet, they enjoy looking regal and strong in front of the other birds, they lead the charge out to free range. They cover a lot of area in free range and they fly very high. I have one hen who doesn't lay at all, the prettiest one! All the rest are strong daily layers.
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