Reviews by HomesteaderWife

Pros: Sociable, Easy to Handle, Intelligent, Non-Flighty, Get Along With Our Chickens
Cons: Have Not Set
When I was younger, I had a friend with ducks- let's just say it was a bad experience & I told myself I would NEVER own ducks. But when we got our very first flock of chicks, my husband's stipulation is he wanted ducks. We then purchased 2 female Khaki Campbells at auction, & I immediately grew to love them! They were very shy for awhile, but then we purchased a male early last year, & they all have just been wonderful. Large, tasty eggs! I have no complaints- they are so friendly & always happy to see us. We changed their living arrangements around, & and it only took them three days to learn to put themselves to bed at night. They always give us a laugh when we refill their kiddie pool, & they love to come eat from your hand. Very talkative & vocal! They usually lay their eggs for us overnight, & they're in the nest the next morning.
The females have never offered to sit on a nest, so we have hatched their eggs under broody hens. The ducklings are just as kind & sweet!


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Pros: Very friendly, follows you around, loves to be in your lap
Cons: Sometimes OVERLY attatched!
By far, this is one of the friendliest breeds I have had the pleasure of raising. My newest PR hen is a big baby, and my husband and I have grown attached quickly. She adjusted very quickly to our existing flock, and lays beautiful, medium-sized brown eggs pretty much daily for us. My husband laughs and tells me he never thought he would ever "pet" a chicken, but sure enough our hen likes to jump in your lap and be loved on. Very good free-ranger, and very intelligent.
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