Reviews by JadedPhoenix


Super Admin
Pros: Pretty, gets along well with hens of the same age
Cons: Will attack any chicken who isn't an egg-mate.
I got three of these at TSC during chick days and at first I was pleased since they look so pretty. One turned out to be a roo who was quite aggressive before he was even full grown so I gave him away. Of the other two, one was a frizzle and the other had smooth feathers. The one with smooth feathers is extremely nasty to all of the other chicks that are not a part of the group that she came home with. In fact, she has actively attacked some of the other pullets anytime the cockerels of the younger group isn't looking. Fortunately the two I have already learned to watch after their girls vigilantly and will chase her and her partner in crime off anytime they see them getting too close. I had thought that them being three month old bantams that they'd be more submissive but they definitely not. I have gotten a new group of chicks this week and if they have not calmed down by the time they are big enough to run loose in the run with the rest of the chickens these two will be going to freezer camp.
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