Reviews by jennajolynne


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly
Cons: Broody but won't stay on the eggs for an extended amount of time.
I like the looks of the salmon faverolle and it's great that they are friendly and my daughter can handle them, but the two I have keep going broody. It is fine if that's what you want them for but I need more eggs. They go broody but then get bored sitting on the eggs and go back to normal business for a few days then go broody again. They won't set long enough to hatch a clutch. I am at my wits end with these two.
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Pros: Hilarious to watch as their "hair" blows in the breeze.
Decent Egg Layers.
Good foragers despite their visual impairment.
Cons: Easily Bullied.
A bit flighty.
I added more polish to my flock this year simply for my entertainment. They are pets and it is just a bonus that they "pay rent". I love to watch their tophats blow in the breeze and when they are wet it's even funnier looking. Mine are awesome foragers and they are always first to come running when I have treats. Due to their smaller size they are quick!


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly
Solid Layer
Cold Hardy
Cons: Can be a bully at times
5B46CDA3-D020-4811-B5EC-27295AFC08B1.jpeg My australorp Aggie is my favorite bird. She follows me all over the yard looking for treats. She is an avid layer of beautiful eggs and a great forager while free ranging. She is at the top of the totem pole but this doesn’t bother me because there will always be a pecking order.
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